Homebrew DIY Pinball Creation
Building your own homebrew pinball machine is definitely a labor of love. Arguably one of the most enjoyable projects you'll ever take on, don't let the scope of the project overwhelm you. Everything you need to build your own custom pinball machine is covered in these videos. Each video contains helpful step-by-step instructions and insights learned along the way.
START HERE: The first video in the series. How pinball machines work.
One of the most viewed pinball how-to videos in the series.
A key milestone in the journey to create your own pinball machine.
Clear coat 101: Easier than you think it will be.

Led Zeppelin Homebrew Pinball
Led Zeppelin was the first custom, built-from-scratch pinball machine that I made. It took four years from concept to completion. Some people complete their machine in a year or two, others might work on theirs for 5-10 years. The joy is in the journey! Although there's nothing better than watching other people having fun playing your game once it's ready.

Leverage your existing strengths and learn new skills from the homebrew community.

Playfield Prototyping
Discover tips and tricks for creating pinball machines.

Populating a Playfield
Connect with fellow pinball enthusiasts and share ideas.
Cabinet & Playfield Artwork
Step-by-step guides for building custom pinball machines.
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